Maeglin part of Superstorm Sandy panel at PLRB Large Loss Confererence
Abrams Gorelick partner Thomas R. Maeglin spoke at the Large Loss Conference presented by the Property and Liability Resource Bureau in Jacksonville, Florida on November 19th and 20th, in a program entitled “Superstorm Sandy Workshop: Analysis of Large Loss”.
The Superstorm Sandy Workshop addressed Sandy claims from the insurer’s perspective, the engineer/expert’s perspective and the attorney’s perspective, and then analyzed two personal lines claims for wind/water loss in New Jersey. The three-person panel included Randy Fightmaster, AIC, PCLS, Senior Examiner at Liberty Mutual Insurance, and David Daniels, PE, LEED AP, of Paul Zamrowksi Associates, Inc.
The Property and Liability Resource Bureau (PLRB) is an association of property and casualty insurance companies based in Downers Grove, Illinois. The services it provides to the 900 member insurance companies include education, casualty and